7-7 Jul 2023 Bruxelles (Belgium)

AGROSTAT 2023 - canceled

for information,

AGROSTAT 2023 is CANCELED due to a lack of abstract submissions and registrations

The next edition will take place in Portugal in September 2024 (annoucement to come).




The 17th edition of Agrostat will be organized by in Brussels, on July 7, 2023, as part of the satellite events of the JdS 2023 (54es Journées de Statistique de la SFdS (JdS2023) - Sciencesconf.org), July 3-7. Fifteen years after the last belgian edition of Agrostat in Louvain-la-Neuve (2008), we will be welcomed by the University of Bruxelles for this event.


Date of the event:

Friday, July 7th 2023



Campus du Solbosch



Slides of presentations AND presentations highly preferred in English


Important dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline: April 14
  • Communication of selected abstracts: April 28
  • Deadline for reduced rate registrations: May 26


Scientific domains / Themes of the conference:

  • Sensometrics: centred on statistical methods for sensory analysis such as planning of sensory evaluations and analysis of data from panels of experts or consumer groups; study of the relation between instrumental measurements and sensory measurements; linking consumer preferences with sensory data, etc.
  • Chemometrics: focuses on the extraction of information from data collected in analytical chemistry, physical measurements, followed by exploration and prediction in a supervised or unsupervised setting. It includes linear or non-linear procedures, data from multi-input tables, etc.
  • Experimental designs: encompass methodologies that offer a general approach for joint optimisation of experimental planning and modelling of phenomena studied in experimental sciences.
  • Process control: refers to methods of statistics or artificial intelligence used to develop and better control a process and to improve the quality of products; quantitative or qualitative modelling; experimental designs; validation of measurement methods; design of control charts; neural networks, fuzzy logic, etc.
  • Big Data: encompasses massive database management; and using machine learning, deep learning, or artificial intelligence methods to understand consumer profiles.
  • Predictive Microbiology and Risk Assessment: encompassing modelling for characterising and controlling the evolution of micro-organisms in food and their effects on human health; evaluation and management of shelf-life; integration of predictive microbiology in optimisation of food processes and novel technologies; advances in risk assessment methods and tools; modelling dose – response relationship; etc.
  • Meta-analysis: including protocols and applications in agriculture, animal science, epidemiology, consumer science, food quality and safety.


Registration steps: 

  • Creating an account at Sciencesconf.org using the top right button on this page, OR opening your session of you already have an account.
  • Once your session open, clicking on "Registration" on the left panel, and following the instructions.


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